Supporting people on waitlists

My Planned Care public platform now live

We know that people waiting for elective care want to feel adequately informed and supported during this time and may contact their GP team for an update.

In response, the first phase of the My Planned Care Patient Digital Platform has been launched.

My Planned Care public platform now live

This site provides people waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment (excluding cancer) direct access to the latest wait-time information and support for all acute trusts across England. 

The platform is easy to access and navigate and is designed for patients who are on an NHS wait list, as well as their relatives, carers and supporting healthcare teams, including their primary care team.

The site will also be expanded to include the latest clinical guidance and details about locally available support to help people look after their health and well-being whilst they wait. There will be a wider ‘public’ launch in a few months’ time once the majority of trusts have had the opportunity to add their supporting details

Published: Feb 28, 2022